What can we do for you…

Does the 3D/4D scan present any risk to mother or baby?

  • All of the services provide by Before The Stork Limited are offered to the following terms and conditions.
  • All our ultrasound scans are carried out by qualified sonographers who work at local NHS hospitals.
  • No ultrasound scan is 100 per cent accurate. This means, depending on the gestational age of your unborn baby, your body composition, and the position of your baby within the womb there are some problems that can never be seen and others that cannot be identified with absolute certainty. Therefore, Before the Stork Ltd does not guarantee the sonographer will find all fetal problems or that she/he will not miss some of them. You should not interpret a normal scan result as a guarantee your baby will be completely normal at birth.
  • Your Before the stork Ltd ultrasound scan does not establish a doctor-patient relationship and does not replace or augment your routine anti-natal healthcare and baby scans which you should still attend.
  • While we do not wish to worry you about your pregnancy it is important for you to understand that if a significant problem is seen the sonographer has a “duty of care” to tell you his/her findings. The sonographer will discuss these findings with you in a sensitive way and will provide you with as much information as he/she reasonably can.
  • With your permission he/she will contact your local hospital’s relevant department so that a medical follow-up can be made. He/she will also write a letter explaining his/her concerns about what was seen during your scan which you can either take with you or we can send electronically to the relevant department.
  • It is not that we wish to confer you unnecessarily but occasionally the sonographer may require a second opinion and this news may worry you. This does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong; many scan findings just need a ‘second look’ for reassurance. The sonographer will inform you of any such uncertain findings and discuss what your options are.
  • Our client confidentiality procedures fully comply with Data protection legislation.
  • To obtain the very best images of your unborn child Before the stork Ltd use only the best available ultrasound technology operated by experienced professionally qualified NHS hospital trained sonographers.
  • Nonetheless, ultrasound images tend to be very clear in women with a low BMI and lots of amniotic fluid, and less clear in women with a high BMI, particularly if there is not much amniotic fluid. Also the position of the baby in the uterus along with placenta site has a great deal to do with how well your baby can be seen.
  • Should successful images not be acquired, we will ask you to wait for a while, take a walk and then re-scan you. We may do this a few times . If successful images are still not obtained, the sonographer will discuss the options available to you on the day and we may recommend a re-scan. Please note, this depends on the package you are booked in for and must be booked within the recommended time.
  • Performing the scan requires skill and concentration. If your scan requires measurements to be taken the sonographer may be quiet for short periods of time, this is entirely normal. After any initial basic checks and/or measurements are completed he/she will show you the images on the TV monitor, describing what can be seen. When the scan is finished the sonographer will inform you of his/her findings and give you directions on what to do next.
  • Before the stork Ltd shall not be liable for loss or damage howsoever caused unless due to negligence of its staff in the performance of its services. In event, Before the stork Ltd’s maximum liability to you shall not exceed the return of whatever payments you made for the service, together with a single discretionary payment not exceeding ten pounds.
  • Before you can have an ultrasound scan you will be required to carefully read and accept the above terms and conditions, and sign the consent form give as well as make full payment for the service.

Get in Touch

Before The Stork Ltd
29 Sefton Street
L21 7PD

0151 280 0543

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